We are closing in on one year since Barack Obama was elected as president, or as he says to the mirror every night, “that he was elected as God.” Of course, if that were true he would be inundated with Americans praying to him for a time machine so the next three years could pass instantly so we can elect someone else.
I can just hear Obama’s re-election campaign slogan now, “at least I’m not Bush.” Naturally, this will bring a wry smile to the face of George Bush every time he hears it since it reminds him of the secret he will carry to his grave, that he actually voted for Obama because, ”Obama will make me not look so bad.”
Obama is already preparing for his re-election by getting on Facebook and seeing how many “friends” he can gather. He assumed he was obligated to get onto all the social media sites like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, etc. because he thought they were referred to as “socialism media”. Since he cleared up that misconception he has lost a lot of interest. Now, Bush also got caught up in the social media craze. But, as you can imagine he got a little confused. He told Laura he was afraid to get onto “MyFace” because if he got any “friends” there they might be bullies and sit on his face like Dick Cheney used to do when they got in the Oval Office alone together.
Obama has used television way more than any president ever imagined he could. Now he may be going a bit too far. The other day he met with some television executives. He wants them to develop a show for him and call it “Dancing with Healthcare”. He’ll host it but Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will be the main dancers. If the show fails he can blame it on them because they have too many left feet. Naturally Obama thinks since he is involved it will be too big to fail and he will likely win an Emmy for the show. But, if not, no problem, he has that Nobel Peace Prize to fall back on.
By the way, that Nobel Peace Prize has Bill Clinton really ticked off. He thinks he should have won it himself but he does take consolation in the fact that he could have won the Nobel “Piece” Prize if they gave an award for that kind of thing. In fact, he is in communication with Playboy and Hustler about sponsoring that award so he can win it while he’s still in his prime. Of course, Monica Lewinsky could argue he was past his prime already back when he was president. Otherwise, he would have never ruined her dress with those stains.
It would appear that Obama is starting to backslide on that whole “hope and change“ feel-good thing that he got elected on . Instead, he has resorted to having Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi parade up and down the halls of Congress with sandwich boards that say “will work for healthcare.” If he is not careful his legacy, if healthcare passes, could be that the cliché of “Nothing is certain except death and taxes” is taken to a whole new level of truth.
Fox News has other plans for Obama. They are hoping to put an end to all the “pork” projects that are coming out of the Obama administration. When it comes to re-election time they are intent on borrowing a line from Porky Pig, “Ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, that’s all folks.”
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