Here are some funny observations from reading the news last week. So it isn't all bad, it just depends on how you look at things.
A 95 year old lady from Alabama got her college degree last week. It turns out she never intended to go to college. She was on her way to the Social Security office and she got lost and ended up enrolling in college when she thought she was signing up for her Social Security check.
President Obama has sent 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border. They are there searching for Osama Bin Laden.
Next he’ll be sending airport security to the border to make sure none of the illegal aliens cross the border with nail clippers or toothpaste tubes bigger than 3 oz.
The BP oil leak is officially a disaster now because Joe Biden was heard whispering in Obama’s ear that “this is a big f___ing deal.”
BP executives are very concerned about various species going extinct from the oil spill. The species they are most concerned about are BP executives.
The Sex and the City sequel opened recently. They are already planning the next one. But since the girls are getting a little older now that one will be called Menopause in the City.
Heidi Montag and Spencer Platt have split up. She is reportedly drowning her sorrow at the plastic surgery bar.
Seattle residents recently told their mayor they want a nude beach. Not so they can soak up the sun since it rains there all the time. It‘s just that the economy is so bad they are afraid they won’t be able to keep a shirt on their backs.
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