Here are some funny observations that are based on the news from this week, enjoy:
Justin Beiber is going to be writing his memoirs; there are rumored scandals of breast feeding as a baby and illicit nap time behavior when he was in kindergarten.
Tiger Woods had the worst 72 hole score of career over the weekend, apparently he is having a serious problem with his putter.
Evidently, it was the holes he scored after golfing that kept his game sharp.
Disney raised prices again at their theme parks. So it is not only the happiest place on earth but they are also making the shareholders of their stock the happiest people on earth.
Kentucky basketball coach, Rick Pitino, testified in a court case that he had sex with a woman in a restaurant but it only lasted 15 seconds. He also complained of having a dribbling problem afterward.
After testifying he apologized to his wife but he did tell her that he was thinking of her the whole time. Then he got in trouble with her all over again for only thinking of her for 15 seconds.
The US Post Office reported a loss of $3.5 billion last quarter, which is actually good for a government organization. If they can get a little guidance from Congress they could probably double or triple their losses.
Lady Gaga told Vanity Fair that she is an occasional cocaine user. The drug companies were very excited about this because now they can say, “See, you don’t get those kind of side effects from our drugs.”
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