Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It Could Be Worse, Issue XII

It’s time for another episode of “It Could Be Worse” where no matter how bad things seem to be if you compare it to something else that situation can be a lot worse than your own:

It could be worse

1)      You could be President Obama after a painful trip to the dentist because you were lying through his teeth.

2)      You could have been hoping Obama was being sincere when he promised change and the only change you got was the color of the leaves in the fall.

3)      The political commercials could be going on for another year.

4)      The election could be more than just one week away.

5)      You could be Obama and the other Democrats that keep telling themselves that they are going to prevail on Nov. 2nd.

6)      We could have the Three Stooges in charge of the economy.  Oops, I have to take that one back because we do have that, Bernake, Obama and Geither.  I’m not sure which one is Moe and poking the others in the eye but they are all sure as blind as hell.

7)      You could be worried about losing your house, the biggest one in the country that has 435 residents, like Nancy Pelosi is worried.

8)      You could be a financial advisor and the only rate of growth you can guarantee your clients is that if they eat at McDonald’s their asses will get bigger.

9)      You could be Christine O’Donnell and have tried out for the quidditch team in the upcoming Harry Potter movie and you didn’t make the cut.

10)   You could be Lindsay Lohan and have your dream man ask you out on a date for New Year’s Eve but you have to tell him you already have plans.


Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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