The following are some funny observations based on the news over the last week:
Michelle Obama wants to put salad bars in schools around the country. Unfortunately, most kids would prefer candy bars.
Why shouldn’t a government organization like the TSA fondle our genitals at the airport? The IRS has been fondling our bank accounts for years.
Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino has written a book. Actually he only wrote the captions to the pictures of himself in the book. Since he has never even read a book not much more could be expected.
Fidel Castro has said that President Obama is “the best snake charmer that ever existed,” which means his approval rating is even low among the communists.
Obama got a fat lip over the weekend requiring 12 stitches. There are only so many feet that can fit in there at one time. Luckily, his Obamacare had already kicked in so he didn’t have to wait too long.
Actually, he got the fat lip from an errant elbow while playing basketball. Now, since they know they can get away with it, the Republicans are putting together a team to challenge team Obama.
When Obama got hit with the elbow he didn’t know what expletives to say since there was no teleprompter available and Joe Biden wasn’t even there to give him any advice on the subject.
A dog in Chicago has learned to survive without a tongue after it got cut off in a paper shredder. This is the type of injury that would kill a politician.
Monday was Cyber Monday, which meant it was the one day of the year when computers were used more for something else than porn in the work place.
Porn star, Capri Anderson, who was with Charlie Sheen the night he was arrested said she became upset because Charlie started using obscenities. Apparently, porn stars are like mimes and they prefer to act out their obscenities.
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