Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Funny Observations from Current Events - 12/28/10

Here are some funny observations based on current events over the last week:

A recent study revealed that female squirrels can have a many as 15 sexual partners in one day.  Wow! We knew they liked to collect nuts but that’s ridiculous.

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in Washington D.C. will open a new gallery next year featuring all 44presidents.  This may never have happened if Al Gore had been elected as President, it would have been too hard to make him look lifelike.

And on George Bush, the elder’s wax figure it actually has on his lips “no new taxes”.  Too bad he was never able to read that backwards in the mirror or he may have been re-elected to a 2nd term.

There is a 103 year-old woman believed to be the world’s oldest Facebook user.  She started on Facebook because she heard it was a good placed to get poked.

Customs officials in Arizona have seized 141 counterfeit Barbie dolls headed into this country from Mexico. The illegal people are  still getting in but fortunately, we’re keeping the illegalBarbies out.

A massive pillow fight that was organized on Facebook happened in Old Town Square in Prauge.Now we see why the founder of Facebook was named Man of the Year by Time Magazine.  On the downside, no girls in underwear showed up.

Controlling portions of food over the holidays can be difficult.  Researchers found one of the most effective methods is to look at your fat naked ass in the mirror before putting food in your face.

Hugh Hefner is engaged, so you get bet the stock of the company that makes Viagra is going to go up with a lot of old men trying to copycat off of Hef.  It will be a sudden rise but it will sag again quickly, I’m sure.

The government is very unhappy with WikiLeaks already so the next time I go through airport security and they do a pat-dawn on me I’m going to use one of their tactics and WikiLeak all over the agents hand.


Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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