It time for another episode of It Could Be Worse, where no matter how bad things seem to be it could always be worse (plus it's fun to do):
It could be worse:
1) You could be Justin Bieber’s hair stylist and have to live with that fact, (…or Donald Trump’s.)
2) You could be a bed bug getting a lot of bad press for living in a 5 star hotel so now the hotels are out to get you.
3) You could be the gunman who hijacked a bus last week and not be smart enough to know that a bus is not a great getaway vehicle.
4) You could be Ben Bernanke’s college economics professor and you have to admit that you gave him a passing grade.
5) You could be the National Anthem and now every time you hear Christina Aguilera sing a song on the radio you cringe.
6) You could be the container of Gatorade that inevitably gets thrown on the winning coach’s head at the Super Bowl and you never get to fulfill your destiny of getting drunk by a thirsty athlete.
7) You could be a patch of grass in Iowa already being stomped on by presidential candidates for 2012.
8) You could be the Black Eyed Peas on Monday morning after the Super Bowl being told that you know how to make a good entrance but not a very good halftime performance.
9) You could be the maker of one of the really bad Super Bowl commercials.
10) You could be a “female” tax return and on April 15th you just know you are going to be cheated on and you still have more than 2 months to think about it.
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