A couple of weeks ago President Obama thought he was talking privately at a fundraiser to democratic supporters who were paying $38,000 a plate. He figured it was a safe audience to complain about Republicans and anything he wanted to. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned (or as promised if we were talking about his campaign) and unbeknownst to the President his comments were being piped into the White House pressroom where some veteran reporters were taking notes. This is very similar to being caught in a room with your pants down, but then this article isn’t about Bill Clinton.
My favorite quote from this unauthorized snooping (I think it’s called Karma) was Obama’s opinion of the White House information technology. He said, “I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. I’m like, c’mon guys, I’m the president of the United States. Where’s the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen coming up? It doesn’t happen.”
So, apparently he thought he was going to be the president on Star Trek. Now I’m beginning to understand what is wrong with this presidency. No wonder it took him so long to come up with a birth certificate, he is actually a president from the future.
And as far as the part where he says, “c’mon guys, I’m the president of the United States.” We’re all hoping to remedy that in 2012.
If all the Obama’s have this kind of attitude I’m guessing that his dog, Bo, wants his dog poop cleaned up with gold plated shovels and placed delicately into lace covered bags, of course, all at tax payer’s expense. Hey, I just realized maybe politicians are descended from dogs because they just do their business wherever they want to just like a dog does.
Next, Obama said about Republicans, “Do they think we’re stupid?”…I’m sorry, my mind went ablaze with potential rebuttals for that question. There are so many possible comments for that one and I’m sure they are going through your head as well, so I’m going to leave that one alone.
He also said about government employees that some of them were slugs and not trying to do their job. I couldn’t agree more and may I say that when there is a problem like that it often starts at the top. And sometimes it’s because the guys at the top are more interested in “cool stuff” instead of doing their job effectively.
Obama must have been having a bad week because a few days after this event he was being interviewed by a reporter and he admonished the interviewer afterward for not letting him finish his answers. My guess is the reporter was afraid he’d pull out a teleprompter and he’d never get to finish the interview.
Back to the fundraiser gaffe, the press secretary said the next day that the president wasn’t embarrassed by anything he said because it wasn’t anything he wouldn’t say in a public venue. So either the press secretary figures Obama often says stupid things in public venues or maybe he was thought he was talking about Joe Biden.
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