Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It Could Be Worse – Issue 19

Here is another version of "It Could Be Worse" where we take a look at how things could always be way worse than they seem to be.

It Could be Worse:

You could be Barbara Walters and not really understand the phrase, “Most Fascinating Person.”

You could be Rick Perry and after making all the major gaffes you’ve made lately you realize that you are running for president, not vice-president.

You could be Lindsay Lohan and have trouble at Christmastime finding good necklaces to steal as presents.

You could be a person with really bad ringing in your ears and the only reason you went to see the movie, ”The Adventures of Tintin,” was because you thought it was a documentary on tinnitus.

You could be Newt Gingrich and you keep gaining weight while running for President so that you can be in touch with the common American citizen.

You could be a man on Christmas eve and realize there are no more days for you to procrastinate about shopping.

You could be Justin Beiber and have you dreams shattered this year when you realized there is no Santa Claus.

You could be Rudolph and you heard that all the reindeer meat has been sold out.

You could be a parking space at the most far end of the mall and you know that after Christmas you won’t be used again for another year.

You could be an “Occupy” protester and your only hope is for a definite cause is if Santa Claus delivers it to you.

…or you could be an “Occupy “ protester and you win the lottery and then you become one of the 1%.

You could be sexting someone and realize that you forgot your little plastic bag to put around your cell phone so that you were not able to practice safe sexting.


Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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