As if the government we have isn’t enough of a joke President Hu of China is visiting. If that is not an Abbott and Costello routine waiting to happen I don’t know what is. I’ll refrain, or at least try to.
Of course the Obama administration has all kind of grandiose plans to look good while he is here (or should I say while Hu is here…Who?), none of which will likely transpire, except for the appropriate ass kissing since China basically holds the mortgage on the US government. Governments, in general, sort of live by the code of the Billy Crystal's “Fernando” character from Saturday Night Live, (for those of us old enough to remember) “It’s more important to look good than to feel good.” Or in the case of the government it would be “It’s more important to look good than to be effective.”
So, the morning of Hu’s visit I’m sure the conversation between Barack Obama and Michelle Obama went something like this:
Michelle: I forget who is coming today?
Barack: That’s right, Hu. But what did you forget?
Michelle: (confused and shaking her head) What?
Barack: No, there is no what, just Hu.
Michelle: Huh?
Barack: (laughs) Yeah, wouldn’t that be funny if his assistant was named Huh.
Michelle: (still confused) Whatever…Why are you putting lipstick on?
Barack: Somebody has to kiss Hu’s ass and I couldn’t get Hillary to do it.
Michelle: Wait, you’re kissing who’s ass?
Barack: That’s right.
And it could have gone on like that for hours if Joe Biden had not walked in and said something stupid and prefaced it with the “F” word, forcing them to stifle a laugh until he left. By that time they forgot all about the Hu/who conversation.
Okay, I said I wouldn’t do any of those “Hu” jokes. But I guess I have about the same restraint as a democrat seeing something moving and trying not to tax it.
We’ll move on now to more idiocy from the government. Since Obamacare is back in the news and I said the word, idiocy, I’m sure that’s what popped into most people’s minds. Republicans want to repeal it and Democrats want to keep it. Keeping it falls under the category again of “looking good” rather than being effective. It would be like promoting everyone getting a swine flu shot to handle the epidemic when there is no epidemic, just so they can say they did something. Oh, wait a minute, bad example. They actually did do that last year.
Keeping Obamacare, instead of just tearing it out from the roots would be like Donald Trump just trying to try comb his hair differently. It’s not going to work. There’s just too much insanity. The only hope for The Donald would be to shave his head, just like the only hope for Obamacare is to yank it out by the roots and start over.
Anyway, the visit from Hu will be in the news for the next few days and the Obama administration will tells us what great strides they made with China. The public will probably be wondering who really made great strides. And the government will be thinking to itself, “That’s right, Hu made great strides.”
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