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Already the presidential candidates are lining up for the 2012 election. On the plus side, this leaves us no doubt that comedians and comedy writers of all shapes and sizes and jokesters on the street will have plenty of fodder for the next year and a half. The down side is that in each election year the BS tops the previous election and it’s getting hard to find boots big enough to walk through it all.
Some true fun is developing though on the Republican side. Donald Trump look likes he’s going to run and frankly I’m a little giddy about that. I can’t imagine we’d ever run out of hair jokes. We probably would but it would be great while it lasts. If he was president and Congress thought they had grounds for impeachment they could just shortcut the process and tell him, “You’re fired!” Trump may just be the sleeper in the election because he has shown his qualifications by having formerly run several casinos into bankruptcy, so he would certainly know how to run a country that’s already there.
It’s certainly no secret Sarah Palin is going to run, even if she hasn’t officially announced it yet. She’s been about a subtle as John Edwards and his love affair with his hair brush.
Apparently, Obama is ready to file for re-election in the next few weeks. Finally, he’ll be able to get back to what he is good at; making promises he can’t keep. Elections bring back great memories for him. Just the other day he was reminiscing about his first teleprompter, which he bought when he was in elementary school when he ran for president of the Foreign Soil Born Club. He beat out a couple of Mexican kids who were illegal aliens by lying about all the things he could do for the school and he’s been trying to make it up to them ever since.
With the promised hope and change, the economy, Obamacare, the stimulus, the bailouts and Libya to name six right off the top of my head, you could say Obama has some issues. It almost makes you envious of his dog, Bo, who has a much better chance than the rest of us of slipping into the Oval office and lifting his leg to the administration.
I’m not saying I don’t like Obama but I have to admit if his presidency had a fan page on Facebook I would not be likely to click “like” on it. Part of the reason for that is that I think he has poked the American people way too many times to get the benefit of the doubt. And I’m definitely not referring to poking in the Facebook sense.
Everybody is interested to see if Hillary is going to run again, except for Bill. He figures if there is going to be a female president he at least wants to be able to hit on her.
Joe Biden is not likely to ever run for President again, heck , he's just hoping Obama doesn't dump him in 2012. The American public knows him too well by now. But four years with him as president would be a comedy writer’s dream come true, at the same time as he would be the public’s nightmare.
There are many lesser known candidates that are already showing their heads. It should be a very interesting year and a half until the election, at least we’ll get to laugh at it.