Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Funny Observations from Current Events – 08/02/11

Here are some funny observations after keeping a watchful eye on current events this week:

The Post office might be closing 3,653 locations but the good news is we won’t see a drop off in service because it already sucks.

According to a poll less than half of Americans know that Mitt Romney is a Mormon.  Also, less than half know that President Obama was actually not born in the United States.

In another new survey, 40% of Internet users feel lonely when they are unable to get online.  They are forced to use their imaginations to figure out an alternate way to waste time.

In yet another poll, 46% of Americans think that most members of Congress are corrupt.  The other  54% thought corrupt was far too nice of a word.

Hugh Hefner’s former fiance said that she and Hef only had sex once.  Now we know, after that  that “brief interlude”, why she broke It up.

If the government had gone into default they would have been changing the name of Captain America to Private America.

I saw an advertisement this week that said that  the King Kong exhibit at Universal Studios was the world’s largest 3D experience.  I thought the world was the world’s largest 3D experience.

Only  17% of Americans believe that the country is headed in the right direction.  These are the same people that jog backwards.

In San Francisco a bill banning circumcision was “cut off” the ballot.

In Georgia, a 35 year-old Language Arts teacher was arrested for having sex with a 14 year-old male student.  Upon her arrest she said, “What? I thought the language of love was part of the curriculum.”


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