Many people get bored or discouraged when they have a long layover time in an airport when they are flying. I say take advantage of the time and have some fun. If you are thinking shooting spitballs at the TSA agent you would be wrong. While that would be great fun and even a worthwhile hobby it would be too dangerous because of those pesky security camera they have all over the place. But at least I know you are thinking the right way.
One of my favorite activities in airport, besides leaving other coffee company’s cups inside Starbucks stores, is the people movers. It’s fun to act like you are in a hurry and have people move to the right so that you can make your “emergency” pass. But it can also be a lot of fun to just ride back and forth on the people movers. Although, to avoid looking like a crazy person who is just killing time (which is what you’d be doing) you have to act like you just went the wrong way.
This can take a great deal of acting skill and makes it all the more fun. When you get off the people mover you have to stop and look like you just realized it’s very possible you went in the wrong direction. You need to look in the direction you just came and back the other way. Put your hands on your hips and scrunch up your face a little. Then you look like you had the sudden realization that you went in the wrong direction. You shake your head and laugh at how silly you were to go the wrong way and get back on the people mover in the direction from which you just came. Be sure to have a big smile on your face and let it diminish as you get closer to the other end because you’ll have to do the same thing all over again.
One warning though, do not get to carried away with this little drill and start acting like a mime trying to get out of his invisible box because you might have people have a sudden urge to beat you.
While you probably thought people were watching your award winning performance from the start, once you’ve done this for an hour or two you will definitely have an audience so you’re going to want to carry a tip cup with you so you can be rewarded like any street performer would be. So, really you can make this layover actually pay off. It’s much better than just wandering in stores where you are likely to spend money. With this you get to entertain yourself and make money, supposedly.
It really gets fun if you are with one or more people and they’ll play too because then you get to point and even pretend to argue with the other person about the direction you were supposed to go in.
If none of this strikes your fancy you can pretend you are a computer geek and can’t wait to get off the plane so you can immediately sit on the disgustingly dirty airport floors and get your Internet and e-mail fix. Unless you are actually a computer geek, than go ahead and do that anyway, without pretending.
If none of this seems like fun you can always go back to what you thought I was going to say in the first place and shoot spitballs at the TSA agents. Just to be safe though, see if you can get one of those invisibility cloaks like Harry Potter uses. Or if you can’t locate one of those you can at least PRETEND you have one.
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