Here are some funny observations after keeping an eye on current events over the last week:
Basketball player, Kris Humphries has reportedly told Kim Kardashian that she has no talent and her fame would not last. We may have an example of the pot calling the kettle black here, Mr. 5.6 points per game career average.
A transgender woman in Miami, posing as a doctor, is accused of injecting a concoction of cement, mineral oil and “Fix-a-Flat” into a woman’s butt in order to fill it out. Now people are wondering if this is what made Nancy Pelosi’s face the way it is, or is this, actually, her face we’ve been seeing? It could be her ass.
I thought of writing an article for my web site about what Congress and the President are doing for the economy but there was nothing to write about so no article.
Congress recently declared pizza a vegetable for school lunches. What’s next? Are they going to say there is a Supercommittee in Congress?...Oh wait…
The current cost of the items in the “12 Days of Christmas” song now costs over $100k. Congress heard about this and, keeping with THEIR Christmas spirit, they want to impose a tax anytime someone sings the song.
A man claimed his sperm was stolen last week. But that’s what happens when you leave your stuff lying around.
Michael Lohan did not get arrested for anything last week but he did have to have heart surgery. Lindsay was in shock. She didn’t know her father had a heart.
The Kardashian Christmas special might be cancelled but I’m not going to let that ruin my holiday fun. I’m still planning to have a big ass Christmas celebration.
The NBA strike is over and illegitimate children all over the country are cheering because their mothers will get to receive their child support payments from the players.
Oklahoma has had its sixth earthquake in four days. Apparently Mother Nature thinks Oklahoma is the new California. Either she thinks California and a few other states have already fallen into the ocean, she is on Psychiatric drugs or she is now working for the post office and the earthquake delivery got lost.
Five people were arrested at the Occupy LA camp when they refused to leave after it was closed down. Now they’ll get to occupy LA County Jail. At least it will be cleaner and the food will probably be better.
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