I’m waiting for the liberal media to start doing the polls according to how many people disapprove of President Obama just so they can say high numbers when they mention his name.
Obama’s approval rating is getting so low so fast it’s almost like he’s in an airplane and he’s coming in for a landing and he’s about to be at ground level, or zero, right at about election time, which is good news for the country and bad news for the Democrats. Funny how those two things are inversely proportional.
Most of the incumbent congressmen are in the same boat. Harry Reid, Obama’s chief suck-up in the Senate, is up for re-election in Nevada, where I happen to live. His disapproval rating is so strong that the only time you hear Harry Reid and a form of the word approval is in his TV commercials when he says he approves of the messages. If a miracle does occur and Harry happens to win his election I am going to move out of Nevada. I was going to be moving anyway but it really sounds macho to say that and be able to carry it out.
It’s a shame that Obama’s not a medical doctor so he would have had to have taken the Hippocratic oath of “First do no harm.” Although I’m pretty sure he would have altered it to say “First Bush should have done no harm.”
Somehow Obama keeps insisting that the economic situation would be so much worse if it was not for the stimulus program. That’s like saying…no forget it. I can’t think of anything that stupid to compare it to.
Okay, I have to give it a shot, here’s an attempt. Al Gore would have been even more boring to hear about if he hadn’t tried to hit on several massage therapists. Nope. That doesn’t work either because there is actually a little bit of truth to that.
I hate to quit so soon. Here’s another go. If not for Obama’s speeches about hope and change Larry King would have even been a bigger sleaze bag and not only slept with his wife’s sister but her cousin too. Oops, I’m told that is likely to have occurred anyway. So another bad example.
All right, third time’s the charm. Bill Clinton would have been a much worse husband if not for the fact that Hillary was such a bitch. Wait a minute! That is not even close to the analogy that I was going for. (Okay, I confess. I wasn’t even trying for the analogy there I just wanted to say that Hillary was a bitch. And while I’m at it let’s throw Nancy Pelosi under that bus as well.)
Obama has had so many bad ideas that by the time his presidency is over (in 2012) it will have proven to be such a clunker it will qualified to be sold under the cash for clunkers program… His presidency is so bad that even Obamacare couldn’t keep it alive…His presidency is so bad that by the time its over the administration will have screwed more people that Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and John Edwards combined. Ba-dum-bump.
One thing we do know for sure. The stimulus program did help create new jobs, even if it is only for the Republicans in the November election.
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