There continues to be bad news in the polls for President Obama and congressional Democrats. In a poll on the president’s handling of the economy 57% of those polled disapproved of the job he was doing. The remaining 43% didn’t understand the question.
Obama is starting to catch onto his poll numbers going down and he is rethinking the fact that he has been channeling Joseph Stalin as his economic advisor. Of course, this fact pissed off Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and it actually created a bit of a tiff between the three of them. Shortly afterward, though, it all got straightened out. Obama came on stage to do a speech. Harry and Nancy were in the audience. Obama started out by saying, “Hello. Today, I’d like to talk to you about taxing and spending.” Suddenly Reid and Pelosi rush up on stage and hugged Obama. They were both crying with relief and were heard saying together, “You had me at hello, you had me at hello.” They both got down on their knees and starting kissing his ass. But, curiously, neither one of them would kiss his right cheek. They both insisted on kissing only his left ass cheek. At least that’s the way I heard the story.
As Obama continued his speech he was getting a little distracted and irritated by the fact that Reid and Pelosi were still slobbering all over his left ass cheek so finally he had to call the Secret Service agent out to extricate them. As they were being dragged off stage Obama looked at them a little resentfully and said to them, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
Anyway, in the above mentioned speech he was quoted as saying, “Let’s reach out for hope.” I can only think that “reaching out for hope” is a euphemism for “let’s reach for your wallet because I’m about to tax your butt.”
In the president’s defense, though, he really does need to raise taxes. Otherwise, how could he possibly pay for all the luxurious vacations he’s been taking lately.
A fact that Obama likes to conveniently forget when he blames George Bush for the economy and everything else, including his bowling inability, is that he was a member of the democratically controlled congress that helped to massively screw up the economy in the first place. A Republican lady in the audience reminded him of that fact to which Obama quickly retorted, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
(Sorry, I seem to have a movie quoting jones going on here.)
And, of course, considering himself the son of God (if not God himself) he wouldn’t really give a damn what anybody else thinks or else he wouldn’t be following through with the policies that most people are not in favor of and are doing more harm than good. For example, in another poll regarding Obama’s overall job performance 59% did not approve of his overall performance, while 25% were too busy to answer because they were looking for his birth certificate and the remaining were not able to answer because they were illegal aliens, but were definitely going to be voting for him in the next election if he is able to get them amnesty.
Finally, as Obama was wrapping up his speech and extolling the benefits of high taxation, he got the best Italian expression on his face that he could muster and said to the entire audience, “I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”
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