Thursday, June 3, 2010

Politicians Were Kids Too

I just saw a headline that said, ”Extinct Species Returns?”  Suddenly, I had hope that someone had discovered an honest politician, but the hope was drained out of me when I looked at the article and found out it was about some pre-historic species.  Maybe I should have still read the article.  The last honest politician could have gone back to that era.

I guess the next thing to ponder is, are politicians people who were always sleaze balls or did they become sleazy after they got a taste of power?  My answer is a cop out.  There is probably a lot of both.

There are obvious examples for the “always been a sleaze ball” side.  I can just imagine Richard Nixon in first grade and his teacher asked, “Who stole little Johnny’s lunch money?”  I’m absolutely sure Nixon jumped up, arms spread into his victory sign and fingers on both hands doing the same, saying,  “I am not a crook.”

Then there is John Edwards.  His mother tells 6 year old John that they are going to the doctor for his checkup and he tells his mom, “It’s okay mommy I don’t need to go to the doctor.  I just played doctor with MaryBeth a few minutes ago.”

Next up is Bill Clinton and his mother said…wait a minute, this one is just about exactly the same as John Edwards.

Then we have Ted Kennedy, that’s a very similar story too except his has another little twist to it.  After he tells his mom he doesn’t need to go to the doctor he adds, “…and I don’t need to go to church either because after we played doctor then I pretended I was a priest and baptized her by ducking her head in the water.”

Well, I was going to stop with 3 examples but I’m having way too much fun.  Barack Obama’s mother said it was time for him to go to the doctor and he told her he wouldn’t go unless all the other kids in the neighborhood got to go too, and she had to pay for them all.

Of course, there was Dick Cheney who took his friend to the dump to shoot rats with his sling shot.  But since he was the only rat there he still wanted to shoot something so he “accidentally” shot his friend in the face.

On the less evil side of the equation we have George Bush, who wasn’t particularly sleazy as a kid, but he did want to be pushed around in his stroller so he could just go along for the ride until he was just too big for it, which was when he turned 13.  Even then he didn’t want a whole lot of responsibility so he let his uncle tell him what to do all the time and he took credit for it, whether it was good or bad.

Not surprisingly, we have a whole lot more politicians that fall into the first category rather than the second.  Unfortunately, when they are trying to get elected they all tend to do their best Heidi Montag impression, meaning they don’t show their true face, but once they are elected they suddenly show how two faced they can actually be.

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