Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Funny Observation from Current Events – 05/01/12

Here are some funny observations after keeping an eye on current events over the last week:

Congress is still very upset about the whole Secret Service/prostitution scandal.  They are launching an investigation to find out why they weren’t allowed in on it.

According to his book, Dreams from my Father, President Obama said that when he was a young boy he ate dog meat.  Now, apparently, he is saying his dog is getting back at him by eating the true figures on unemployment and that’s why he’s making up his own numbers.

The TSA frisked a 4 year old in an airport.  So, now if you work for the TSA it’s not just legal to be a general pervert but you can be a pedophile as well.

According to a recent study only one out of ten women considers herself attractive.  The irony is that if a man can get a woman naked he doesn’t really care what she looks like.  Additionally, many men during sex are thinking of other women anyway.

Last weekend was the NFL player draft.  Some of the players that got drafted were so excited they partied like government employees at taxpayers expense.

It’s a law now in California that police must screen adult films to make sure condoms are being used.  As a result, there has been an influx of TSA agents applying to the LAPD.

Mel Gibson admitted on the Tonight Show that he does have “a bit of a temper.”  That’s like Al Gore admitting that he can be a little boring.

The Senate passed a bill that would allow the Post Office to stop Saturday deliveries in order to stop the flow of red ink from the agency.  So the government is sticking to its philosophy of making a crappy service even crappier in order to make it better.

Vice President, Joe Biden, was promoting Obama’s foreign policy and to prove how good the administration is at foreign policy Biden said he was going to eat in an Italian restaurant that night.


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