Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Funny Observations from Current Events – 01/12/12

Here are some funny observations after keeping an eye on current events over the last week:

Centuries ago the Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012.  How do we know that wasn’t just some wild and crazy Mayan guys at a party pulling a practical joke?

President Obama’s campaign has just released a highlight reel of his top accomplishments.  Don’t worry it’s very short.  There’s an introduction, ending credits and that’s it.

In the event Obama does get re-elected in 2012 what would he actually do for the next four years?  The only thing he knows how to do effectively as President is run for office and he can’t run again in 2016.

According the National Enquirer Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife with 105 different women.  But by NBA standards that’s like being faithful.

Leaders in Saudia Arabia will start enforcing a law that allows females only to work in lingerie stores.  There has been a former rule that only men could work in lingerie stores but too many of the men were wearing panties on their heads and there were too many accidents where customers slipped in the puddles of drool left by the male workers.

Obama has announced that he wants to shrink the size of the military.  But he tells us not to worry because it won’t increase unemployment.  For every military man they get rid of they will hire two paper pushers to get the job done.

According to research a person’s brain power starts to diminish after 45, which explains a lot about  Congress since their average age is 58.

The Boston Globe has endorsed Jon Huntsman, of course, the endorsement was in the comics section of the paper.

A dead body was discovered last week on the grounds of a country estate owned by Queen Elizabeth.  When she was told about it she was alarmed and asked, “It wasn’t me, was it?”

According to the National Enquirer, Chaz Bono told his mother, Cher, that he never wanted to see her again.  Cher said back to him, “Don’t worry, I’ll just have some more plastic surgery and you won’t even recognize me.”


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