Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some "History" Based Jokes

Being a bit of a history buff caused me to come up with these “historically based” jokes:

History has influenced television quite a bit, even from the beginnings of TV.  Back in the 50’s Ozzie and Harriet, in honor of former President Truman, nearly named their show “Give ‘em Hell Harriet.”

In the future it is likely that Obama and Ben Bernake will have their pictures on the new dollar, which will be called “nuclear money”.  Historians will look back and see that their actions caused the future money to have a half-life of the old money.

George Washington was such a great leader that there are actually 2 holidays in his honor.  The first is, of course, President’s day and the other one, many people don’t realize was also in his honor, is Labor Day.  That’s because he gave birth to a nation (and  rumor has it he helped create a lot of the births back then too.)

People also learn from history.  The male members of the Kennedy family pattered their lives after the some formal sexual dynamos who were also from Massachusetts – the “Minute Men”.

Dick Cheney is already a big part of history and Hollywood is thinking of making a movie about his life.  But being Hollywood they tend to change things.  It will be a cartoon movie and he’ll play the part of the Roadrunner and this time the coyote gets him.  I think it’ll be a big hit.

In the future, after Bill Clinton passes on, there will probably be a tell-all book about his sexual conquests and it is very likely that the Obama administration premise of “too big to fail”, especially for many of these artificially created entities, will again prove to be a falsehood.


Posted via web from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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