Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Funny Observations from the News – 05/18/10

Here are some funny observations that are based on the news over the last week:

The rumor is that Elena Kagen, the new Supreme Court Justice nominee, had dated Elliot Spitzer, former Governor of New York, when they were in college.  Another rumor is that she is a lesbian, but I’m sorry that makes her sound more like a prostitute than a lesbian.

Again about Elena Kagen, if she is a lesbian maybe dating Elliot Spitzer is what made her want to be a lesbian.

Tiger Woods’ swing coach resigned.  We knew all about the affairs but he was into swinging too….and who you needed a coach to do that.

Playboy magazine is going to be featuring a 3D centerfold in June.  I think it is great that the readers will now get the glasses that come with the magazine and isn’t that ironic since Playboy readers often ruin their eyesight anyway.

A spokesman for  Playboy said they want to make people who are infatuated with the Internet  remember there’s nothing like holding a magazine in your hands, or in this case having it stick to your hands.

With all the crimes coming out about the banks like Goldman Sachs and many of the others, it makes you wonder, we know the banks were “too big to fail”, now we’ll find out if their executives are “too big to jail”.

…and finally, in a survey at the University of Kentucky only 20% of the students considered oral sex to be sex.  They are now considering changing the name of the school to Bill Clinton University.


Posted via web from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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