Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Funny Observations from Current Events – 5/03/11

Here are some funny observations after keeping an eye on the current events over the last week:

Last week Delta Airlines was warned about several rat droppings found in their planes.  Delta took this opportunity to charge fliers a rat dropping clean up fee.

A cat was found that was suspected to have swum from New Jersey to New York Harbor, about a one mile swim, after being swept up in torrential rains in New Jersey.  It really wasn’t that heroic with all the pollution in the water the cat was able to walk most of the way.

The reverend Franklin Graham said that social media could play a big part in the second coming of Christ.  I’m not sure how that is so, unless the reverend thinks Jesus likes to waste a lot of time online and play with pretend farm animals.

Obama’s daughters went to him and asked him for a raise in their allowances.  He refused by saying the economy is too bad and they all have to learn to live within their means.  So the girls called Donald Trump and told him the birth certificate is a fake.

Last Thursday was National Take our Sons and Daughters to Work Day.  This is no longer a special day for many people.  Many have to have to take their kids to work because they can no longer afford a baby sitter.

One of Charlie Sheen’s Goddesses broke up with him so she has gone from a Goddess to a godless, winless, whore.

Osama bin Laden was killed by US Troops.  He was expecting to be rewarded in Heaven with 72 virgins.  Instead he’ll be headed in the other direction and there will be no virgins but he’ll get two fat gay guys with every STD known to man.

Justin Bieber was scolded by a Qantas Airline flight attendant and was told he was acting like a child.  His only response was, “…And, what’s your point?”

Two soldiers that were killed in the Korean War were given the Medal of Honor.  So, apparently the government is acting with his usual efficiency.

In Miami one person was killed and five others were injured after a rat caused a car accident by chewing through wires that cause street lights to go out and resulted in an accident.  The rats in Miami are bad enough just don’t piss off any of those Florida cockroaches.


Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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