Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Technology Can be Real Pain

Here is some technology humor that all you addicted texters may identify with.

These days people who text a lot often complain about sore fingers and thumbs.  Talk about karma, it was these same people who 30 years ago caused bullies on the playground to get sore fingers from giving the current texters  so many noogies.

The real reason Tiger Woods had to take off from the golf tour is not to get sex addiction counseling.  He needed time for his fingers to recover from all the texting he was doing to the cocktail waitresses, hookers and porn stars that he was seeing.

Many people with lap tops are complaining of sore necks and backs from straining to see their laptops, very similar to members of the Obama administration straining to see results from anything they’ve done in the last year.

Construction workers are planning to have a pity party for all the people complaining of their injuries from texting.

“Text thumb” and BlackBerry neck” injuries are getting so prominent that some people are considering using their cell phones to actually talk out loud to people.

….and finally, on another note, there has been a recent uproar about debarking of dogs, a procedure in dogs where the vocal cords are cut out so they can’t bark.  People are saying it is inhumane for dogs but many feel for Congress it could be a really productive procedure.


Posted via web from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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