Monday, September 26, 2011

David Letterman's Top Ten Lists - 9/19/11 to 9/22/11

Here are David Letterman's top ten lists from last week, always very witty: 9/19/11 to 9/22/11.

Top Ten Things a Candidate Shouldn't Say During a Presidential Debate

10. Yeah, I killed a guy

9. 50 states? When did Puerto Rico get in?

8. Can you repeat the question? I was thinking about cookies

7. If elected, my cabinet will feature at least three Kardashians

6. I don't know a damn thing about the economy, but I do know this: Chaz Bono dances like an angel

5. Can anyone beat Angry Birds, Level 16? I can't kill the pig with the mustache

4. It's-a-not-so bad, it's-a nice-a place — Ah, shaddup you face

3. Hey, Republican spelled backwards is "Nacilbuper"

2. As my good friend Osama bin Laden once said . . ."

1. Senior citizens can bite my a**

Top Ten Rejected Genius Grant Projects

10 Self-cleaning monkey

9 Bacon-free bacon

8 Phone directory of wrong numbers

7 Eating so many tacos it's ridiculous

6 Determining whether Minka Kelly is "hot" or "smokin' hot"

5 Something called the Clambulance, for injured mollusks

4 New miracle hairpiece for Dave

3 An Oreo with 10 layers

2 Wearing fedora without looking like a jerk

1 Michele O'Bachmann for President campaign

Top Ten Items On The United Nations General Assembly Agenda

10 Screw with the Swedes

9 Recap highlights from last night's "Two and a Half Men"

8 Goodbye, Euro. Hello, Chuck E. Cheese tokens

7 Pass resolution that Steve Carell "was robbed" at the Emmys

6 Gently break it to the Russians that they've been writing their Rs backwards all these years

5 Finally nail down which one's Uruguay and which one's Paraguay

4 Pitch sitcom about Greece and United States called "Two Broke Countries"

3 Do whatever China says

2 Congratulate whatever country came up with the "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" books, because those were awesome

1 Debate whether to renew the Letterman fatwa

Top Ten Highlights Of Barack Obama's Deficit Plan

10 Pay everything off with a giant bake sale on the White House lawn

9 New 10,000 percent tax on waffles — no way people are giving up their waffles!

8 Congressional Super Committee now reports to even more powerful Super Duper Committee

7 Medicare no longer covers butt X-rays

6 From now on, quarters are worth 26 cents

5 Change the definition of the word “deficit”

4 Seniors must wait until they're 112 before they can collect Social Security

3 Open more post offices — those places are money machines!

2 Congressmen must pay hookers in cash

1 Jets giving three and a half in Cincy — it's like found money

Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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