Thursday, January 13, 2011

Death Sucks and More on the Subject

Today I’m going to wax philosophic more so than funny, so you are forewarned.  A couple of days ago a very good friend’s girlfriend died in a car crash.  People say that death is part of life but to be more accurate it is the end of life, not so much a part of it.

Less than a year ago my wife passed away, far too prematurely.  The older one gets the more people around you die.  You would think you would start to get used to it but that certainly hasn’t happened to me.  To me it still sucks.

I do have full certainty that a person , spiritually, does move onto another life after he or she dies.  You get a brand new start on things.  So, ironically, death affects the living much more than the ones who die.  My friend’s girlfriend’s death will affect so many people as do most deaths.  She was my friend too, by the way.  Three girls lost a mother.  Parents lost a daughter.  Aunts and uncles lost a niece.   My friend lost a lover and friend, etc. etc. and the beat goes on.

The senseless recent shooting in Tucson, Arizona will affect many people with six deaths and many injuries.  I’ve heard rumors that the shooter was on psychiatric drugs as is the case in almost all this kind of shootings over the last many years.  Has anyone taken note that this kind of mass shooting almost never took place 30 or more years ago.  Sadly, with the increase of psychiatric drug use they are almost becoming commonplace.  I think it would be more fitting if the killer is going to shoot someone that they should at least make it just the psychiatrist who got them onto the drug in the first place.  That might be too just for this insane planet, but one can always hope.

The good news is it is very possible for those who have lost loved ones to move on and still be happy.  It happened in my case.  I am in a wonderful new relationship now, very much in love.  If you’ve read my posts in the past you’ve seen some that she and I have written together, and from the responses I’ve gotten those articles are very popular.  You will see more and I certainly look forward to that myself.  We have very good chemistry (Hubba, hubba, if you get my meaning.   What the heck, I had to let loose a little bit here.)  It doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten my former wife or that I still don’t love her or miss her because it is very true that I do.  But to dwell on what one doesn’t have won’t bring that person back and it will only serve to bring those around you down too.

Life is made of many experiences, death just happens to be part of those experiences.  Okay, okay, I’ll change my former stance that it is not part of life, but I do so under protest.

So, to my friend, continue to love her but don’t dwell on the loss.  Put that experience in the past because that is where it is.  Move onto the present and create the future.  Who knows, many lifetimes down the road you may meet again and create the love you recently had with gusto all over again.

But still, death does suck… just sayin’.

Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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