Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Funny Observations from Current Events – 04/12/11

Here are some funny observations after keeping an eye on current events over the past week:

Hugh Hefner’s fiancé didn’t bother throwing him a surprise party for his 85th birthday.  She figured he wouldn’t remember it anyway.

If there had been a government shutdown I wonder if most people would have really noticed.

While covering the war in Libya, Fox reporter Geraldo Rivera was shot at by Moammar Kahdafi’s troops, which goes to show that even bad guys can do good things.  It also enraged the rebel troops more because they wanted to be the ones to shoot him.

Bristol Palin made $262,500 last year for her role in raising awareness about teen pregnancy.  When Bristol’s ex, Levi Johnston, heard about this he wanted to start promoting condom use but someone would actually have to explain to him what a condom is.

White House spokesman jay Carney said, “President Obama is not focused on re-election, he is focused on the job he was elected to do.”  Then he added, “Unfortunately, campaigning is the only thing he’s any good at.”

Carney also added, “Right now the president is working diligently on campaign promises he’ll be unable to keep.”

Next election Obama’s slogan will go from “Change You Can Believe In” to “Can You Believe We’ll Change?”  Actually in his next campaign the only change we’ll really see is in his slogan.

Obama seemed to be moving towards the middle in the budget deal, so much so that many democrats are questioning whether he is one of them or not.  First he doesn’t have a country that he was born in , now he has no political party, this poor guy is really lost.

If there had been a government shutdown I was planning on not paying taxes on the days there was no service.  I was going to prorate for the days they were off on my tax return.  I wonder if they would have  allowed that deduction?

In the Barry Bonds case about committing perjury regarding his steroid use Bonds’ ex-girlfriend testified that his testicles shrank after taking steroids.  Because of that Bonds will not be taking the stand in his own defense.  He’s afraid the opposing attorney is going to ask a question like, “So, dude, are we talking raisin size, or what?”


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