Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More New Years Jokes and Stuff

This being close to the new year more New Years jokes are the appropriate thing:

Quit smoking
A friend asks his friend for a cigarette. His friend says, "I think you made a New Year resolution to quit smoking". The man says, " I am in the process of quitting". Right now, I am in the middle of phase one. What's phase one? I've quit buying.

On New Year's Eve, Daniel was in no shape to drive, so he sensibly left his van in the car park and walked home. As he was wobbling along, he was stopped by a policeman. 'What are you doing out here at four o'clock in the morning?' asked the police officer.
'I'm on my way to a lecture,' answered Roger.
'And who on earth, in their right mind, is going to give a lecture at this time on New Year' Eve?' enquired the constable sarcastically.
'My wife,' slurred Daniel grimly

New Years Resolutions for Pets

  1. Have a torrid one-night stand with a street mutt.
  2. Try to understand that the cat is from Venus and I am from Mars.
  3. I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.
  4. Circulate petition that Leg Humping be a juried competition in major dog shows.
  5. Call PETA and tell them what that surgical mask-wearing freak does to us when no one is around.
  6. Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds.
  7. Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on 'roids, or they'll flush my ass.
  8. Always scoot before licking.
  9. Grow opposable thumb; break into pantry; decide for MYSELF how much food is *too* much.
  10. Get out of the castle more, maybe swim counter-clockwise this year.
  11. January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock! January 2nd - December 31: Re-live victory over the sock. AND the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...
  12. I will NOT chase the damned stick unless I see it LEAVE HIS HAND.

New Year Nerd Resolutions


15. I will stop checking my e-mail at 3:00 in the morning... 4:30 is much more practical.

14. When I hear a funny joke I will not reply, "LOL... LOL!"

13. I will stop sending e-mail, ICQ, Instant Messages and be on the phone at the same time with the same person.

12. I will try to figure out why I *really* need 9 e-mail addresses.

11. I will stop sending e-mail to my roommate.

10. I will not buy magazines with AOL disks bound in just to get another 1.44MB disk.

9. I resolve to work with neglected children... my own.

8. I will answer my snail mail with the same enthusiasm I answer e-mail.

7. When I subscribe to a newsgroup or mailing list, I will read all the mail I get from it.

6. I will stop using, "So, what's your URL?" as a pickup line.

5. No more downloads from alt.binaries.*

4. I resolve to back up my new 400 GB hard drive daily... well, once a week... monthly, perhaps...

3. I will spend less than five hour a day on the Internet.

2. I will limit my top ten lists to ten items.

1. I will read the manual... just as soon as I can find it.

Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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