Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blame it on Estrogen

Sometime over a year ago I wrote an article entitled “Blame it on Testosterone.”  In it I basically justified men’s actions (i.e. stupid stuff we do) on the hormone, testosterone.  While there is some truth to that, I now believe a more accurate statement would be to blame it on estrogen.  Not only do estrogen driven women often drive us crazy in many ways (including horniness…so again, not really our fault) but also many men are becoming estrogen laden themselves by environmental causes.  This can make us fat, lose our sex drive and make us want to stop working, out of the blue, to decorate our office.

Environmental estrogen not only can make us fat it also can cause man boobs, or moobs.  Worse than that, because we have now lost a lot of our sex drive and become lazy, the men who have this dilemma sometimes think that it’s not that bad of a thing.  Now, being lazy and only having a portion of their sex drive left, they find it convenient to have their own boobs, if you get my meaning.

This environmental estrogen comes from numerous sources like hormones fed to animals, particularly in fast food, plastics and many other causes from our modern day world.  This excessive estrogen affects women too.  It’s bad for their health and can make them very cranky, which means it’s also bad for a man’s sanity.  Microwaving plastic especially brings it out so if a woman has leftover fast food and heats it up in a plastic container in the microwave it could make the woman have hot flashes and start yelling at her husband for no reason, while the man, after eating this meal, will want to ignore her and just cuddle up on the couch and watch an episode of Glee.

Too much estrogen in a woman can be a bad thing whether it is natural or from environmental causes.  Here is a quote from the Bible to back up my case:

1 Peter 3:3-4
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”

This was before God had invented estrogen.  Then he got busy with a little lab experiment.  Frankenstein had not yet been created so he had nothing to compare this estrogen invention to and as a result we now have fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry and beautiful clothes, etc., etc.  Not to mention that when estrogen really flares up in a woman the results can be disastrous for a man.  Does the term “whipped” mean anything to you?

Back to this environmentally created estrogen, the effects on men can be devastating.  These effects can be wide and varying, from decreased size of the gonads and other man organs to an overwhelming desire for show tunes and shopping for shoes.  Just to let you know my testosterone to estrogen level is in good shape I’ll pass on a “manly” joke that I heard on the radio the other day:

Q: What do you say to a naked woman?

A:  Why do you have to say anything?  She’s already naked.  (Ba-dum-bum)

In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that I am actually a big fan of the TV series Glee.  With that said, I will be going to the doctor tomorrow to have my hormones checked.

Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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