Monday, July 18, 2011

Letterman Top Ten Lists from the Week 07/14/11

Here are David Letterman's top ten lists from last week:

Top Ten Things Never Before Said by a Superhero

10 "Screw the superhero costume, I'm fighting crime in my pajama jeans"

9 "I got $400 worth of groceries for just eight bucks thanks to extreme couponing"

8 "You know, I originally wanted to be an event planner"

7 "Someone broke into Letterman's theater? I'm on my way!"

6 "Aquaman and I are moving to New York to get married"

5  "I'm Steve Rogers. Perhaps you know my brother Kenny"

4 "In a few years, Captain America will be known as Captain China, am I right, folks?"

3 "My weakness? Sara Lee cheesecake bites"

2 "One ticket for 'Zookeeper,' please"

1 "I really, really like the tights"


Top Ten Signs the United States Is Running Out of Money

10 For $10,000, you get your face on the dollar

9 The White House now has a two-drink minimum

8 There's a listing on eBay for North Dakota

7 Barack Obama sold his Nobel Prize to "Cash4Gold"

6 Americans now attempting to sneak into Mexico

5 Renting Biden's house to backpacking German tourists

4 Costs $25 for each bag the president wants to check on Air Force One

3 John Boehner getting paid in beach bum tanning gift cards

2 Country is moving in with England until we get back on our feet

1 Applied for a $40 billion loan from Oprah
Top Ten Signs You're Watching A Bad All-Star Game


10 It's being telecast on C-SPAN3

9 Biggest name is esteemed umpire Bruce Dreckman

8 During the 7th inning stretch, the players are locked out

7 It's the National League vs. the American Broadcasting Company

6 Each team required to start at least three Kardashians

5 Every player who fields a ball yells, "Yeow!"

4 No matter how much alcohol you consume, it doesn't get any better

3 By the third inning, 95 percent of the players have been deported (it's Arizona, people)

2 It's a brisk seven hours

1 Due to the extreme heat, Bud Selig is nude


Top Ten Excuses of the Guy Who Broke Into the Ed Sullivan Theater

10 "When did Stupid Human Tricks become illegal?"

9 "It was on my list of places to ransack before I die"

8 "Thought the place was abandoned"

7 "Wanted to meet Ed Sullivan"

6 "Didn't feel like walking 14 blocks to vandalize Regis' studio"

5 "Doing my best to boost the struggling glass repair industry"

4 "Had an allergic reaction to Four Loko"

3 "Always dreamed of being the subject of a lame Top Ten list"

2 "I thought it was another 'Fire Dave' rally"

1 "Have you seen the show?"

Posted via email from darnfunnyonline's posterous

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